Kange Water Bottle

The Kangen Water Machine Price in Surat

Are you tired of the impurities in your tap water and looking for a solution to provide you with clean and healthy water? Look no further than the Kangen Water Machine. In this article, we will discuss the Kangen Water Machine, its price in Surat, and the benefits of using it.


  1. Introduction
  2. What is the Kangen Water Machine?
    1. How does the Kangen Water Machine work?
    2. Benefits of the Kangen Water Machine
  3. Kangen Water Machine Price in Surat
    1. Kangen Water Machine Models
    2. Kangen Water Machine Price List in Surat
  4. Looking for a Kangen Water Supplier in Surat?
    1. Kangen Water Supplier Services
    2. Benefits of Choosing our Kangen Water Supplier
  5. Kangen Water Bottle in Surat
    1. Convenience of the Kangen Water Bottle
    2. Benefits of the Kangen Water Bottle
  6. Installing a Kangen Water Machine in Surat
    1. Installation Services
    2. Benefits of Installing a Kangen Water Machine
  7. Conclusion
  8. FAQs

What is the Kangen Water Machine?

The Kangen Water Machine is a state-of-the-art water filtration system that uses innovative technology to provide clean and healthy water. It was developed by the Japanese company Enagic and has been on the market for over 40 years. The Kangen Water Machine is designed to transform ordinary tap water into alkaline, ionized water with various health benefits.

How does the Kangen Water Machine work?

The Kangen Water Machine works by using a process called electrolysis. The water passes through electrodes that ionize it, creating alkaline, ionized water. The machine also filters out impurities, such as chlorine and heavy metals, providing you with clean and healthy water.

Benefits of the Kangen Water Machine

The Kangen Water Machine offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Alkaline water helps to balance your body’s pH levels.
  • Ionized water contains antioxidants that can help to neutralize harmful free radicals in your body.
  • Kangen water is easily absorbed by your body, helping to keep you hydrated.
  • Kangen water can help to improve digestion and boost your metabolism.

Kangen Water Machine Price in Surat

The Kangen Water Machine price in Surat varies depending on the model you choose. There are several Kangen Water Machine models available, each with its own set of features and benefits.

Kangen Water Machine Models

There are several Kangen Water Machine models available, including:

  • Leveluk SD501
  • Leveluk SD501 Platinum
  • Leveluk K8
  • Anespa DX

Each model offers different features, such as different pH levels, filter life, and more. Our team can help you choose the best model for your needs.

Kangen Water Machine Price List in Surat

If you are wondering about the Kangen Water Machine price in Surat, our team can provide you with a detailed price list. The price of the Kangen Water Machine depends on the model you choose and the services you require. Our team offers competitive pricing and exceptional service to ensure you get the best deal.

Looking for a Kangen Water Supplier in Surat?

If you are looking for a Kangen Water supplier in Surat, look no further than our team. We offer a range of services to ensure you get the best Kangen Water experience possible.

Kangen Water Supplier Services

  1. Sales of Kangen Water Machines: We offer a wide range of Kangen Water Machines to suit different needs and budgets. Our machines are of high quality and come with a warranty to ensure customer satisfaction.
  2. Kangen Water Machine Installation: Our team of experts provides installation services for all Kangen Water Machines that we sell. We make sure that the installation process is smooth and hassle-free.
  3. Maintenance and Repair Services: We offer maintenance and repair services for Kangen Water Machines to ensure that they function optimally. Our team of technicians is well-trained and experienced in handling all kinds of maintenance and repair issues.
  4. Kangen Water Bottle Sales: We also offer Kangen Water Bottles for customers who prefer to carry alkaline water on the go. These bottles are made of high-quality materials and are designed to keep the water fresh and cool for a long time.
  5. Kangen Water Filter Replacement: We provide filter replacement services for Kangen Water Machines to ensure that the water remains clean and healthy for consumption. We use only genuine Kangen Water filters for replacements to ensure that the machines continue to function optimally.
  6. Detailed Price List: Our team can provide you with a detailed price list for all Kangen Water Machines and accessories. We ensure that our prices are competitive and affordable, and we offer discounts on bulk orders.

At our Kangen Water supplier, we are committed to providing our customers with the best products and services. Contact us today to learn more about our Kangen Water Machines and services, and to get the best deals in Surat.


In conclusion, Kangen Water Machines and Bottles are a convenient way to access clean and healthy alkaline water on the go or at home. The Kangen Water machine price in Surat varies depending on the model you choose, but our team can provide you with a detailed price list to help you make an informed decision. Our Kangen Water supplier services include sales, installation, maintenance and repair, filter replacement, and Kangen Water Bottle sales. We are committed to providing our customers with the best products and services, and we invite you to contact us today to learn more about our Kangen Water Machines and services.


  1. What is Kangen Water? Kangen Water is alkaline water that is ionized through an electrolysis process, making it rich in antioxidants and minerals.
  2. How does a Kangen Water Machine work? A Kangen Water Machine uses an electrolysis process to ionize water and create alkaline, ionized water that is rich in antioxidants and minerals.
  3. What are the benefits of drinking Kangen Water? Drinking Kangen Water can help improve hydration, boost immunity, improve digestion, promote weight loss, and improve skin health, among other benefits.
  4. How often do I need to replace the filter in my Kangen Water Machine? The frequency of filter replacement depends on the usage and quality of the water source. Our team can provide you with guidance on when to replace the filter based on your specific needs.
  5. Do you offer a warranty on Kangen Water Machines? Yes, we offer a warranty on all Kangen Water Machines to ensure customer satisfaction. Our team can provide you with more details about the warranty and our after-sales services.

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